See "Session-only
Schedule" (pdf) for details on specific times for each
breakout session.
- A full “Schedule at a Glance” and a detailed program will be in
your attendee folder at the conference.
Post conference update: LOEX 2017 Printed Program (pdf)
May 11
__12:30 - 8:00 p.m. | Registration & information |
__1:00 - 4:00 p.m. | Optional: Alltech Lexington Brewing & Distillery - Group Visit (additional fee) |
__1:00 - 4:30 p.m. | Optional: Pre-Conference Workshop (Maria T. Accardi, IU Southeast - additional fee) |
__4:45 - 5:30 p.m. | Optional: First-time Attendee Orientation |
__5:30 - 7:30 p.m. | Hors d'oeuvres Reception with cash bar (at conference hotel) |
May 12
__7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. | Registration & information |
__7:30 - 8:30 a.m. | Breakfast buffet |
__8:30 - 10:00 a.m. | Welcome & plenary speaker (Dr. Aaron Thompson, Kentucky State University) |
__10:15 - 11:05 a.m. | Breakout sessions 1 |
__11:20 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. | Breakout sessions 2 |
__12:10 - 1:15 p.m. | Lunch buffet |
__1:00 - 1:30 p.m. | Roundtable Discussions (Five topics) |
__1:15 - 1:45 p.m. | Poster sessions |
__1:45 - 2:35 p.m. | Breakout sessions 3 |
__2:50 - 3:40 p.m. | Breakout sessions 4 |
__3:40 - 4:10 p.m. | Poster sessions / Snack break |
__4:10 - 5:00 p.m. | Breakout sessions 5 |
__Early evening | Dine-arounds at area restaurants (optional; access via attendee wiki) |
May 13
__7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. | Registration & information |
__7:30 - 8:30 a.m. | Breakfast Buffet |
__8:30 - 8:35 a.m. | Announcements (brief) |
__8:50 - 9:40 a.m. | Breakout sessions 6 |
__9:55 - 10:45 a.m. | Breakout sessions 7 |
__10:45 - 11:15 a.m. | Coffee/tea/water break |
__11:15 a.m. - 12:05 p.m | Breakout sessions 8 |
__12:05 - 12:50 p.m. | Lunch |
__12:50 - 1:35 p.m. | Lightning Talks |
__1:50 - 2:40 p.m | Breakout sessions 9 |
__2:55 - 3:45 p.m | Breakout sessions 10 |
__3:45 p.m. | Conference Concludes |
Anticipatory Sets:
Laying the Groundwork for Active Learning
Anne C. Deutsch (SUNY New Paltz) and Brandon West (SUNY Geneseo)
Are You Fluent in Composition
and Rhetoric? Speaking the Language of Our Riding Partners
Amy Cooper White (Penn State)
Breaking New
Ground with Old Plows: Revitalizing Low-tech Library Instruction
Tools that (sometimes) Enable Learners to Grow and Flourish
Terrence Bennett (The College of New Jersey) and Amelia Landenberger
(University of Kentucky Law Library)
Engaging the ACRL Framework
Through Short Stories and Drawing
Vickery Kaye Lebbin (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Framing Information
Literacy with the Art of Debate
Maria R. Barefoot (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
Getting to the Root of
the Matter: Talking through our Failures to Foster Innovation
Sarah Laleman Ward and Stephanie Margolin (Hunter College - CUNY)
“Hay Library
Instruction Teams!” Pony Up Your Activities and Corral Your
Natalie Bennett and Lane Wilkinson (University of Tennessee at
Increase Your Yield:
Scaffolding Outreach using Curriculum Mapping
Sarah LeMire and Stephanie Graves (Texas A&M University)
The Largest Horse
In the Race: Using Mindfulness to Create an Inclusive,
Student-centered Classroom/Library Session
Kristen Mastel and Amy Riegelman (University of Minnesota)
Laying the Groundwork
for a Community of Practice: Supporting Innovation through
Diverse Perspectives
Nicole E. Brown and Marybeth McCartin (New York University)
Library Lost in
Translation: Diversifying our Approach to Strengthen Information
Literacy Skills in International Students
Kimberly D. Hoffman and Mantra Roy (University of Rochester)
Listening and
Learning from Students: Interviewing Students about the
Intersections of Research, Writing and Technology
Sarah Wagner, Ann Marshall and Kristine Frye (Indiana
University-Purdue University Fort Wayne)
Making Information
Literacy More Accessible through Universal Design for Learning
Brian Sullivan and Malia Willey (James Madison University)
Sowing What You Want to
Reap: Selecting Assessment Tools that Can Answer Your Questions
April Cunningham (Palomar College)
Speed Databasing:
A Matchmaking Activity for Students and Library Databases
Jill Chisnell (Carnegie Mellon University) and Teresa MacGregor
(Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar)
Negotiation, Strategy: Shared Ownership of the One-Shot Agenda
Linda Miles and Haruko Yamauchi (Hostos Community College - CUNY)
Writing Alone? Not
Heather Johnson and Katie Harding (Dartmouth College)
Abbayas, the Burj
Khalifa, and Books: Expat Academic Librarians in the Middle East
Lynnette Harper and Dr. Kristine N. Stewart (Zayed University)
a Common Language: Using the Framework to Market Your
Information Literacy Program to Faculty
Sarah Steele, Elizabeth Dobbins, Brooke Taxakis and Steve Bahnaman
(Campbell University)
Antiracist Pedagogy in the
Information Literacy Classroom: Techniques to Foster
Transformative Learning
Melissa Kalpin Prescott (St. Cloud State University)
Beyond Library Show
and Tell: Designing Collaborative Learning Experiences for Peer
Erica Schattle and Dianne N. Brown (Tufts University)
Bridge to Success:
Developing Library Services for Transfer Students
Margaret N. Gregor and Kelly R. McBride (Appalachian State
Bridging the Gap: A
Social Justice Approach to Campus Outreach
Sofia Leung (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Callie
Wiygul Branstiter (University of Kansas)
Building for the Future:
Information Literacy and Academic Freedom in China
Linda L. Daniel (Duke University)
Charting the Library
Firmament: Transforming Teaching to Create Meaningful Learning
Experiences for Students
Roberto A. Arteaga (Valparaiso University) and Christine M. Moeller
(St. Norbert College)
Correlating Use of
Library Services with Student Success, and What We Learned Along
the Way
Rachel Mulvihill and Penny Beile (University of Central Florida)
Creating a Data
Rebecca Orozco, Tami Albin and Karna Younger (University of Kansas)
Primary Sources with First-Generation Students
William Cuthbertson (California State University, Chico), Jay Trask
and Jane Monson (University of Northern Colorado)
Critical and
Conflicted: A Reflection on Existing Tensions in Curriculum
Natalie Burclaff (University of Baltimore), Veronica Arellano
Douglas (St. Mary's College of Maryland) and Joanna Gadsby
(University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Diversifying the
Monoculture of Academic Authority: Teaching Inclusive
Conceptions of Authority
Alexander Watkins (University of Colorado Boulder)
Don’t Look a Gift Horse in
the Mouth: When the Data You Receive is Not the Data You Want
Savannah L Kelly (University of Mississippi)
Driving the Team: A Course
Integrated Data Information Literacy and Science Communication
Megan Sapp Nelson (Purdue University)
and Summative Assessment of Library Instruction (LI):
Encouraging and Supporting "Reflective Teaching" Practices
through Peer Observation
Bernadette M. López-Fitzsimmons (Manhattan College)
Galloping Into
the Unknown: Utilizing Design Thinking to Reimagine Instruction,
Collaboration, and Innovation
Patrick Tomlin, Stefanie Metko and Lisa Becksford (Virginia Tech)
Growing Insight:
Course Instructor Perspectives on Assignment Design
Ryne Leuzinger and Jacqui Grallo (Cal State Monterey Bay)
Hold Your Horses:
Staying Steady (and Staying Neutral?) in Turbulent Times
Marcia Rapchak and Erin Anthony (Duquesne University)
It takes a
Community to Cultivate the Assessment Crop
Kelly LaVoice and Kelee Pacion (Cornell University) and Mark
Williams (Cornell Law Library)
Leading by
Letting Go: Shifting Strategies for First Year Library
Instruction and the Creation of an “Instructor’s Toolkit”
Laura Birkenhauer and Lindsay Miller (Miami University)
Horses to Water: Constructing Courses to Get Students to Drink
Dan Chibnall, Carrie Dunham-LaGree and Sam Becker (Drake University)
Letting Students Do
the Vetting: An Experiment in Teaching Students to Write
infoPlaylists for the Library Blog
Jason Ezell (Loyola University, New Orleans) and Joyce Garczynski
(Towson University)
Librarians and Immersive
Learning: Opportunities for Collaborations Using Virtual Reality
Kristal Sergent Boulden (University of Oklahoma)
Library + Living Learning
Community: A Partnership Story
Lisa Jarrell (Ball State University)
The Library
Steeplechase: A New Breed of Library Tour at VCU
Rachel A. McCaskill and Jennifer Stout (Virginia Commonwealth
Longitudinal Study of
Student Success in a One-Credit Library Course
Christina Heady and Joshua Vossler (Southern Illinois University
Meeting Students Where
They Are: Using Assessment Data to Inform One-Shot Curriculum
Brianne Markowski (University of Northern Colorado)
Open this Box:
Leveraging the Popularity of Escape Rooms to Create an Engaging
Library Instruction Session
Amber Wilson and Jessica Riedmueller (University of Central
the Field Through a Curriculum Mapping Initiative: Adapting the
Framework for Assessing Information Literacy Programs
Stefanie Metko, Julia Feerrar and Amanda MacDonald (Virginia Tech)
Difference is our Strength: Collaboration and Creativity in
Co-Creating System Wide Information Literacy Learning Outcomes
Colleen Burgess (Huron University College), Tom Adam, Kim McPhee and
Christy Sich (Western University)
Pedagogical v.
Pathfinder: Reimagining Course and Research Guides for Student
M. Sara Lowe and Bronwen K. Maxson (IUPUI) and Sean Stone (IU School
of Dentistry)
Preparing Your Crop:
Understanding Student Experiences with New Technology and the
Impact on Instruction
Christi Piper and Joel Tonyan (University of Colorado Colorado
Putting the Cart Before the
Horse: Creating Online Information Literacy Modules for a
Reluctant Faculty
Cecelia Parks (University of Mississippi)
Authority: An Exploration of Diverse Sources
Jo Angela Oehrli, Alexandra Stark and Amanda Peters (University of
Racing Together
Toward the Finish Line: Partnerships for Supporting a Library
Open House
Megan Gilpin and Alissa Zawoyski (Penn State University)
Reading Is Research: Promoting
Critical Reading Through Embedded Librarianship
Marc Bess (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Redesigning a FYE library
module: Cleveland Based Learning
Ben Richards (Cleveland State University)
in Information Literacy Instruction: Using Faculty Survey Data
to Guide the Process
Veronica Bielat and Judith M. Arnold (Wayne State University) and
LuMarie Guth, Maria Perez-Stable and Patricia Fravel Vander Meer
(Western Michigan University)
Research as a Resume Builder:
Delivering a Career-focused Information Literacy Certificate
Megan Blauvelt Heuer (Southern Methodist University)
Running Mates: An Integrated
Information Literacy and STEM Curriculum
Bethany Havas and Adrienne Button Harmer (Georgia Gwinnett College)
Sowing Accessibility
in Learning Objects So Users Can Reap the Educational Rewards
Katie Stewart and Erica Getts (Johns Hopkins University)
A Strong Start Out
of the Gate! Building Student Engagement Before Class Begins
Lindy Scripps-Hoekstra (Grand Valley State University)
Teach the Teachers,
Reach the Students: Badging for Digital Citizenship
Trudi E. Jacobson and Kelsey O'Brien (University at Albany, SUNY)
Teaching Power and
Authority in Library Discovery Systems
Andrew Battista (New York University)
Telling Stories through
Design: Harnessing Community Narratives for an Information
Literacy Tutorial
Chloe Barnett (Westminster College)
“This Horse Race is
Rigged!” Teaching Popular Source Evaluation in an Era of Fake
News, Post-Truth, and Confirmation Bias
Lane Wilkinson (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)
What’s a Jockey Without a
Horse? Librarians and Faculty Building Community Together Around
the Framework
Rachel Stott (University of Colorado Denver - Auraria Library)
When to Plant Heirlooms
and When to Plant Hybrids: Unearthing Instruction Librarians’
Motivations for Adopting New Practices
Elizabeth Galoozis (University of Southern California)
Winning Your Instructional
Spurs: How Academic Librarians Transform from Information
Experts to Expert Educators
Amanda Nichols Hess (Oakland University)
You Don’t Have to Cover
Everything: Replacing the One-Shot with Competency-Based Library
Amanda Peach and Angel Rivera (Berea College)