Poster sessions by LIS grad students and library residents are on Fri, May 12 in the afternoon
#critlib, the one-shot, and ENGL101: Incorporating
Critical Information Literacy into One-Shot Sessions
Nancy Lovas @ University of Maryland
What does teaching critical information literacy (CIL) look like in a one-shot session? Informed by critical theory, a critical approach to information literacy aims to equip students to identify information in relation to power structures. But barriers to teaching CIL, such as time constraints, faculty expectations, and self-confidence as a teacher librarian, can make incorporating CIL seem daunting. In this poster session, librarians will learn about the successes and failures of teaching CIL in one-shots for first-year students in ENGL101 and find inspiration to adapt their own pedagogies.
Attempt, Assess, Repeat: Piloting a Pop-up Library
Initiative Across Campus
Tessa Withorn and Catherine Fonseca @ Indiana
This session outlines the rationale, strategic planning, and preliminary results of a pop-up library initiative implemented by graduate students at Indiana University Bloomington. The pop-up library brings resources, information, giveaways, and in-person assistance to locations across campus. The students ran a year-long pilot of the pop-up library to test workflows, timing, and engagement strategies. They initially found that stakeholders reacted positively to the presence of library services outside of the facility. The audience will be able to take away concrete advice for how to implement a similar initiative, as well as generate ideas about best practices for undergraduate outreach..
Chart your Course: Curriculum Mapping as Outreach in an
Agriculture Program
Kenya Flash @ University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Poster
In this poster, we (presenter and Assistant Librarian Caroline Zeglen) discuss the process of curriculum mapping in an agriculture program, how it reveals new opportunities for library instruction, and pitfalls to avoid when charting your course. Using learning outcomes developed library instruction and services using feedback from staff and the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy, we mapped or coded the outcomes to learning objectives in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) at the department and course level to key players who would benefit most from additional library instruction, as well as gaps in instruction and resources..
Creating an Infrastructure for GIS Instruction at an
Academic Library
Taylor Hixson @ University of Chicago
- Poster
How does a library build support and an instruction infrastructure for geographic information systems (GIS)? The Resident Librarian for GIS at the University of Chicago Library was determined to find out. This poster outlines that journey: from getting a lay of the land (seeking out guidance from peer institutions and UChicago campus stakeholders), to charting a course into unknown territory (how a new librarian can combat campus divisions and politics to make GIS instruction applicable to everyone), and finally, overcoming challenges (the importance of patience and perseverance in creating new library instruction).
Creating Communities of Empathy through Human-Centered
Kathryn Johnston @ Southern Methodist University
At SMU Fondren Library, we see the achievement gap of student with disabilities as a crisis of empathy. Research has shown that understanding the experiences of those with different abilities proves particularly challenging for able-bodied individuals. Because there is no blanket effort for proper support or a fixed portrait of need, the only way to combat able-bias in the design of our spaces, services, and instruction is through intentionally building a community with this unique campus population. This poster will show the design of this initiative and present lessons that others can use to accommodate this routinely overlooked and underserved group.
Exploring LibWizard: Creating an Online Tutorial to
Jumpstart Conversations on Race
George Martinez @ University of Louisville
Technology can be used as a tool to help students think more seriously about concepts before diving into deep discussions. In partnership with University of Louisville’s Office for Diversity Education and Inclusive Excellence, a librarian volunteered to lead a cohort through multiple discussion sessions on topics related to race. Creating an online tutorial in LibWizard allowed the librarian to utilize technology to gain insight into cohort members’ points of view by having members explore challenging topics before meeting in person. The online tutorial served as a unique conduit for rich discussions.
Jam Sessions: Coming together for Digital Learning Object
Becky Leporati @ University of Cincinnati
When the librarians who produce digital learning objects at the
University of Cincinnati wanted to increase output, we realized
help would only come from one source: Each other. Our bi-weekly
jam sessions bring together librarians from both branch libraries
and satellite campuses. We each work on individual projects as a
group, which means:
1. We have a set, bi-monthly calendar event.
2. We learn from each other.
3. We have a cohort.
4. We gain project momentum.
While we continue to dream big about digital learning objects, we
now see our dreams becoming a reality more quickly and more often.
Make Your Space: Making Room for the Social Sciences in
the Makerspace Movement
Lori Chapin @ Miami University
In academic libraries, where Makerspaces are growing in popularity, the sciences and arts are targeted for hands-on endeavors. This exposure to new experiments and techniques is a valuable tool for teaching. There is a gap in this movement however, the social sciences are often omitted from Makerspace programming. With colleagues in the Education department, I organized a Make Your Space event to allow Education students the opportunity to explore machines and technology that are being utilized in the classroom today. By keeping buy-in costs low, I created a space for wide-ranging experimentation populated with materials and activities for all budgets.
Participatory Learning Strategies for One-Shot
Instruction Sessions
Erin Durham @ University of Maryland
- Poster
As information literacy instructors we may be familiar with the experience of asking a question and getting vacant stares from a class of freshman college students. What are some strategies to fully engage students and cultivate a participatory learning environment? In my poster I discuss hands-on pedagogical methods such as a Source Evaluation activity set up in a classroom jigsaw format that empowers even the shyest members of the class to contribute.
The Special Collections Research Center's Education
Program: Planting Seeds with Primary Sources
Natalie Bishop @ University of Kentucky
The Special Collections Research Center's education program offers students across all departments and disciplines the opportunity to learn from primary sources. By demystifying the research process, and providing hands-on research sessions using primary sources, students are provided with powerful learning opportunities. This fast-growing, innovative program reached 2,038 students during the 2015-2016 academic year, and this is only one of the many pieces of evidence pointing to the program's success. The SCRC’s education program has traversed barriers of entry that once discouraged student engagement by reinforcing connections between their current studies and the history of our commonwealth through primary sources.